1 / Dragon's Blood is a male plant associated with the planet Mars and the Element of Fire. Her powers are known for love, protection, exorcism and potency. The resin is a powerful protectorate that when worn, smeared as incense or sprinkled around the house will drive out evil and negativity. Dragon Blood has been used for its antiviral and wound healing effects.
2/Benzoin is a common ingredient in incense making and perfumery because of its sweet vanilla undertone with earthy balsam notes and fixatives properties. Resin along with smoke, get into our nostrils and are detected by our smell receptors and their effects transmitted to our brain, thereby stimulating the nervous center. This also gives a warm feeling, stimulates the heart beat and improves circulation.
3 / Frankincense: It was called frank because of the freedom with which, when burned, it gives off its fragrance. Smoke from burning HEM frankincense resin acts as a protection, purification, spiritual awareness and antidepressant. Christian and Islamic Abrahamic religions have all used frankincense mixed with oils to anoint newborn babies, initiates and members entering new phases of their spiritual life.
4 / Myrrh resin has a smoky, sweet or sometimes bitter scent, which is extracted from a number of small thorny trees. Classical texts of Ayurveda, dating back thousands of years, used myrrh for wound healing, digestion and balancing women's problems, and much more. The ancient Egyptians also used myrrh for healing as well as spiritual rituals. It is traditionally burnt incense that repels fleas and mosquitoes.
5 / Copal has a powerful, clear, purifying, pungent scent that is mainly used as incense by ancient civilizations. It was often used in religious occasions, in the form of offerings to gods (usually denoting the Copal as food for gods)