Set with Aromafume incense vaporizer, 14 incense cubes, a tea light, cork coaster for safe use and instructions for use in 6 languages.
Packed in a beautiful gift box.
The incense cubes gradually release their scent due to the heat of the tea light underneath, no smoke or ash is released.
And no toxins are produced during this process. What remains is a dry block, which can be thrown away with the biological waste.
The 7 Chakra Aromafume incense cubes set contains 14 incense cubes, 2 per chakra:
1st Chakra: Muladhara - Base Chakra
2nd Chakra: Swadhishtana - Sacral Chakra
3rd chakra: Manipura - solar plexus chakra
4th Chakra: Anahata - Heart Chakra
5th Chakra: Vishudda - Throat Chakra
6th Chakra: Ajna - Third Eye Chakra
7th Chakra: Sahasrara - Crown Chakra
Aromafume Spiritual Consciousness incense set
The Exotic Incense Diffuser is specifically designed for burning the Aromafume incense cubes.
This incense cubes scent evaporator gets the right temperature for spreading the scents of Aromafume incense cubes.
Together, this Diffuser and the incense cubes form the most effective and clean way to spread pleasant aromas.
No toxic substances are released and no smoke or ash is produced!
Aromafume Spiritual Consciousness incense set contains:
Wrought iron diffuser with Flower of Life, copper plate, wooden coaster, tea light,
12 Aromafume incense cubes (3x Frankincense, 3x Benzoin, 3x Myrrh, 3x Copal).
Including information brochure about Aromafume, how to use the products and the different scents.